Saturday, August 30, 2008


Strategies for enhancing Stakeholders Wealth


Early in their lifecycle, start-ups are vulnerable and prone to failure. Mistakes made in critical decisions regarding entry into manufacturing can significantly impact the survival of the firm.
Developing the most appropriate strategy is probably more critical in start-up companies than in established organizations

Existing Enterprises

· Strategic Competitiveness
· The Strategic Management Process
· Strategies use by organizations
Enterprise Environment for next 3 years
· Managing change and Innovation
· Model of Planned Organizational change
· Initiating Change
· Implementing Change
· Types of Planned change
· Technology change
· New- Product change
· Structural change
· Technological changes
· Commercial changes
· Regulatory changes and Culture change
All Enterprises

Threats and Opportunities.
· How can we Use and Capitalize on each Strength?
· How can we Improve each Weakness?
· How can we Exploit and Benefit from each Opportunity?
· How can we Mitigate each Threat?
Building Resources
Competing for Skills
Creativity and Innovations
· Innovation in organization
· Organizational change
· Managing Planned Change
· Organization Development

Policy Deployment

Hoshin policy Management is a Japanese concept that enables the company to focus efforts and resources on vital breakthrough objectives, in order to achieve a competitive lead or ensure continued survival.

Policy Deployment – a central feature of Hoshin Mangement – starts from the apex of a company. This can be a whole company or a performance centre, business unit, department, etc. Vision which is articulated through a mission statement, expressing the company’s purpose or “raison d’etre” as perceived through the customer’s eyes. Company philosophy, backed by a full set of corporate principles and values.